MMIV © SCOPAC Sediment Transport Study
FL1 Lymington and Beaulieu Rivers F5 Suspended Sediment Input to the Lymington and Beaulieu Estuaries E1 Keyhaven to Park Shore E1 Keyhaven to Park Shore FL1 Lymington and Beaulieu Rivers F5 Suspended Sediment Input to the Lymington and Beaulieu Estuaries E2 Inchmerry House to Lepe and Stone Point LT2 Drift between The Lymington and Beaulieu Rivers LT2 Drift between The Lymington and Beaulieu Rivers LT2 Drift between The Lymington and Beaulieu Rivers LT2 Drift between The Lymington and Beaulieu Rivers T12 Offshore Transport From Lymington Estuary T12 Offshore Transport From Lymington Estuary LT1 Drift at Hurst Castle T1 Eastward Transport from Hurst Narrows T11 Westward Recirculation Offshore between Yarmouth and Bouldnor T1 Eastward Transport from Hurst Narrows T1 Eastward Transport from Hurst Narrows T1 Eastward Transport from Hurst Narrows T1 Eastward Transport from Hurst Narrows T10 Eastward Transport to Newtown Gravel Bank T10 Eastward Transport to Newtown Gravel Bank T11 Westward Recirculation Offshore between Yarmouth and Bouldnor T11 Westward Recirculation Offshore between Yarmouth and Bouldnor T9 Recirculation between Thorness Bay and Solent Bank T9 Recirculation between Thorness Bay and Solent Bank T9 Recirculation between Thorness Bay and Solent Bank T8 Onshore to Offshore Transport from Park Shore T8 Onshore to Offshore Transport from Park Shore F6 Gravel input to Warren Farm Spit T2 Eastward Transport from Solent Bank T2 Eastward Transport from Solent Bank E3 Stone Point to Bourne Gap E3 Stone Point to Bourne Gap E4 Bourne Gap to Hill Head and Calshot Spit E4 Bourne Gap to Hill Head and Calshot Spit LT3 Beaulieu River to Calshot Spit LT3 Beaulieu River to Calshot Spit LT3 Beaulieu River to Calshot Spit LT3 Beaulieu River to Calshot Spit F7 Gravel input to Calshot Spit T2 Eastward Transport from Solent Bank T2 Eastward Transport from Solent Bank T7 Offshore Transport from Stansore Point and Stanswood Bay T7 Offshore Transport from Stansore Point and Stanswood Bay T7 Offshore Transport from Stansore Point and Stanswood Bay T2 Eastward Transport from Solent Bank T3 Supply to Prince Consort Shoal T4 Westward Supply to Prince Consort Shoal T2 Eastward Transport from Solent Bank T7 Offshore Transport from Stansore Point and Stanswood Bay T5 Westward Transport from Brambles Bank T5 Westward Transport from Brambles Bank T6 Ebb Current Transport from Calshot Spit and Southampton Water EO1 Tidal Output at Hurst Narrows EO1 Tidal Output at Hurst Narrows F1 Coarse Sediment Input at Hurst Narrows EO1 Tidal Output at Hurst Narrows F2 Suspended Sediment Input at Hurst Narrows